Have I hit bottom yet?
I really hope so, because if I go any deeper I don't think I'll ever get up again.
Last week work was so bad I actually had a melt down and cried in front of one of the engineers. I call him Little Napoleon. Hes short, and has a God complex. I felt like a total loser, and I'm sure that's how I look to him too.
Some of the things that are wrong with this job are my fault, I realize that. Some of it is simply that I have kind of in one way or another skated through life, always just "getting by", and here that's not possible.
Oh I have pushed the limits here for sure, and continue to, but I AM trying to do good work. If I HAVE to come here every day and face these plastic Sorority and Frat like people I at least want to do a good job.
Little Nap is a nit picky little twerp and Id like to pop his head like a zit! Superficial criticisms and picking out the tiniest flaws are his specialty. Ive also become his project I think. Not by his choice mind you, but all the same, I'm there, under his tiny plastic wing. Ugh!
So what can I do?
Well after an enormously depressing week I had a decent weekend during which I got a gift.
A book, (that by the look of it alone had to be expensive) from my girl Gwenn.
How to own and operate a successful catering business.
Its been sitting on the coffee table for almost a week now. I haven't even cracked the spine yet.
I don't know what it is about me that has always strives for the bottom rung of mediocrity but I sure am good at it!
I visited my old boss last Friday too. Quite the way to bring one of the worst weeks of my adult life to a close Id say.
I was there to help him with the tax stuff. Something Id been doing for him for 8 years, and I couldn't even get that to work!
So we talked mostly. His business is in the toilet, and although when I told him, " You have to be successful again so you can hire me back!", and he did respond," I would love that!", I could hear the insincerity in his voice.
Hes a nice man, and he didn't want to hurt my feelings, but he wants me back about as bad as a cold sore!
Nothing personal I'm sure, but I basically sucked off his teet for 8 years doing the bare minimum , and taking full advantage of his free system.
I realized when I was brooding about it on Sunday, that the time of my life when things were easy and fun is over. For good.
I'm broke, I have no savings, no extra money to even BEGIN to save, a house that's falling down around my ears that I owe more on than its worth, a shit job (even though a lot of people would love to have it), and an eating disorder that's really eating me alive.
Did I mention I'm pretty sure I'm an alcoholic too?
Not going more than 5 days at a time without a drink since I was about 15 pretty much tells me that I am. Maybe just the weekend binger but still. It ain't a bright future I'm staring in to.
All the talk of the book and the catering and the photography and every dream Ive ever had is just a fantasy. I cant even make myself lose 10 lousy pounds!
God I need help.
I want to get off my ass and MAKE something, ANYTHING happen. I'm so tired of looking backwards on my life and being filled with regret.
I feel like if I had someone in my life to drive me and help me move I could do it. A partner in life that motivates me and pushes me on when I don't want to go anymore.
Something Ive never had.
Can I really be that pathetic that I cant make my life better on my own?
Its probably just the one excuse I have left that I haven't used. The last card so to speak.
To my friends I'm "The Queen of Misery". To my family, what a disappointment, although they would never say it.
Please God PLEASE!!!! HELP ME TO DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm in the deepest rut of my life and I have no idea how to get out of it.
I really need help.
And this blog, the biggest joke of all. For no one ever reads it. No one but me, once again looking back. Nothing changes.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
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