Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Years Eve 2014 - The end of a year in hell.

New Years Eve 2014
I don’t know where to begin. I guess with the statement that 2014 has been the worst year of my life. 

My father died September 6th after a hard fought battle with liver disease and cancer.

Ill begin from the beginning though. Its New Years Eve of 2014, and I woke up this morning like I have many years past by reading the post I made from the previous year. Many times…too many times, I’ve made declarations of what I’d like to see change in my life, only to read the post a year later and realize I’m in the same position I was then. This year is a little like that and not as well.

Looking at that post from midnight last year I see myself sick, sad, tired, drinking too much, eating too much, and still pining for Mike. Unfortunately, none of that has changed.

The year started with me not meeting my goal of cleaning my act up before surgery. In fact I kind of went in the opposite direction. Still exercising 6 days a week…(that is the ONE thing I can proudly say I have not lost), but drinking a lot and just not being accountable for my eating.

My dad had heart surgery in January, and was feeling great afterwards. We had great hopes that his life had just been extended. We did not see what was just around the corner. He was tired a lot …had been for years. We all put it off on his weight, and frankly him being a little lazy…a thought I now shudder from. What we never knew, and were never told by any of the hundreds of Drs that he saw over the years, was that we were really watching him slowly die. I digress…I’m trying to go in order so I can keep it all straight.

Surgery #1 happened February 10th. I had a lower body lift and a breast augmentation. The night before surgery I practically begged Mike to call me. I just wanted to hear his voice. He didn’t.

Three weeks into my recovery from surgery I got a bad infection. MRSA in one of the drains. I was hospitalized for 3 days. Scared to death and so sick I literally thought I might die at some point, I reached out to him again. He responded the first night then just stopped again. When I got home I ripped into him.  I sent him a particularly nasty email in which I believe I called him out (finally) for all the things I suspected him of. The lying, the possible cheating, the keeping me hidden and still dating me for what? To use me for gifts and sex and whatever comfort he needed at the time. I sent this and finally got a response. He was hurt and angry that I thought that of him, and of course I immediately felt terrible, and took it all back. So the hope of talking to him and maybe seeing him continued.

I did finally talk to him on the phone….once. I think it was March…it was right before Easter…that I know for sure. I called him on the way to a Dr. appointment one morning and he agreed to call me later that night. He did. We had a talk like we used to. Mostly him bitching about his work and things like that.  I talked about my surgery a little bit, but he wasn’t really all that curious as to what I’d even had done. I was being careful not to get into anything serious, hoping that he’d agree to meet with me, which at the end of the conversation he did. Finally. I went to sleep that night with such a feeling of joy and relief. I was finally going to get to have the conversation I needed to close the door.

A week went by and nothing. I was willing to wait then though because I was healing and part of me had a fantasy that he’d see me in my new body and want me back, or at least regret letting me go a little. My new body was not what I’d hoped, but it was better. I set a goal to work hard on getting myself straight with the food and the booze again and lose more weight before surgery #2. The second surgery was supposed to be in May, but because my dad and mom had made some other financial decisions, it was put off until November. I kept trying to talk to Mike and get him to see me but it just went back to him putting me off like before.  I was just wrapping my head around this, and getting myself back on track with my plan to lose more weight and get it all together when my dad was diagnosed with cancer.

He told us on Easter. We were all hopeful that the treatment they were recommending would knock it back and encouraged him to move forward with it as soon as possible. A thought now that I know we all deeply regret. We were only going off of what the Drs were telling us, and none of them ever mentioned that the treatment might actually kill him by shutting down his kidneys. We were focused on the cancer that was in his liver. It was small they said and the treatment was not as complicated as traditional chemo. They would place a blob of chemo around the tumor and watch it to see if it would shrink.  The chemo would dissolve and then we’d see where we were. The first treatment was to begin at the end of May.

The first person I wanted to talk to about this was Mike. I needed him more than ever it seemed. He’d been through this after all with him mom when we first met so I knew he’d understand, and hoped he’d come to my aid as a friend. He didn’t. He told me to lean on my family, then he just disappeared again. I was more devastated than ever. It seemed unreal that he could just let me go through this alone. I know…we were broken up, but I reasoned that wed kept in touch all this time and just couldn’t believe that he could be so cold when I was going through something he knew was so horrible.

That’s when everything seemed to just dive off a cliff.

June is a big month for our family. My birthday, both my parents birthdays, their anniversary, as well as Fathers day. We were prepared to see him get tired and possibly have the traditional sick reactions to the treatment, so we decided to have a family dinner at my parents favorite restaurant, LaGrotta, right before it was to begin. That would turn out to be the last time my dad ever went out to dinner. The last real well and happy moment we were going to have with him. I remember we toasted to doing it again when the treatment was over. We could never imagine that he’d be dead in 3 months.

Those months went by so fast and so furiously. We kept telling the Drs that he was incredibly tired. They didn’t see him and kept blaming it on the chemo, when in reality his kidneys were failing.

My life during all this was a blur of sadness and heartache. I was watching my dad suffer, my mom worry, and my sisters dealing with it in their own ways. Beth in her way of stepping completely out of reality and not ever thinking the worst…Elise dealing hard with reality and making plans. Thank god she did for my moms sake.

I kept going back and forth with Mike. Id send him a text telling him I was done, a month or a few weeks would go by then I start it up again. I went though June with zero contact, then in July my dad was admitted to the hospital after we finally just took him to the ER and that’s when we found out about the kidneys. He was in ICU for a week and the hospital for a week during which time the Drs danced around the awful truth. My dad was going to die.

My parents wouldn’t even believe it until a week after we got him home and he had a final visit to his Dr. He was finally told the blunt truth, but even then we thought he’d be around for a few months…maybe longer with luck. It was not to be.

We set a goal to get him to the beach. My daddy loved the beach. We were set to go on our usual family vacation 2 weeks after he was released form the hospital. The night before we left he got sepsis in his leg. Elise stayed and they insisted the rest of us go on, and that they would be down in a few days. By Wednesday he was in a hospital bed in the house.

That trip will always be so bitter sweet. The weather was perfect. The house was beautiful. It would have been so perfect for him. We had a good time through daily tears. It still didn’t seem like he could die so soon. We came home early after Elise said he was not doing great. We made a plan for us each to take turns staying up there, assuming it might be weeks. Elise had been there the whole time since wed left for the beach so I stayed at their house for the first 3 days. Beth then stayed for 2 days before we all came back up again.

The last words…if they were words…I ever heard my daddy say to me were on the morning of September 4th. I was leaving the gym and called the house to check on him. Mom said he’d had a very bad night. She tried to give him the phone and all he did was make a noise that sounded like he was trying to speak. Then he went to sleep. He died 2 days later, September 6th. I was there that morning. Wed come to stay the night before, and I’d gotten up to go to a gym down the street. I went by his room downstairs and passed it on the way out…stopped, went back in and leaned over to his ear. I told him I was going to the gym, and that I loved him and that if he wanted to go it was OK. He died 5 minutes before I walked back in the door.

I’d been texting Mike the whole time, him telling him that my dad was dying and he had not answered. I was desperate for comfort from him and he was just MIA. I just couldn’t believe, even if it had been almost a year at that point that wed been apart, that anyone could be so cold as to just ignore me when I was going through such hell. He finally messaged back the night before the wake saying he was sorry for my loss. That was it. I sent him a nasty message over Facebook saying I couldn’t believe that’s all he could say …more…I told him I was disgusted that I’d even allowed myself to care about him…I think I called HIM disgusting.  He sent me a reply on the day of my dads wake. Pissed off that I’d been ugly to him, and saying “what did you expect me to say…” He was right. What did I expect? We’re not only broken up for close to a year at that point, but had only been in touch really because I just wouldn’t let it go. I messaged him back apologizing…again…and saying I’d go away.

I did. The funeral happened….life got back to “normal” but I’ve been in a fog ever since. My dad was stolen from us and when he went, he took away our happiness. My mom is so heartbroken. I cry every day at some point. I’m terribly lonely and uncertain for my future.

Surgery #2 happened in November. Again, not as planned. Different surgeon and now I still have to have one more in a year if I can afford to pay for it. I’m happy with the results this time, but I now realize that my body will never be “normal”. I am hoping that I will be able to meet someone that will love me the way I am. I’d like to think that will happen soon…hopefully this year at some point… but I know I have to get happy inside again and make the changes that I pledged to make last year. I feel like I’ve been on a slow ride into the bottom of a bottle with a plate of cheese in one hand and a broken heart in the other.

My financial life has to change as well because any support my parents were giving me had to stop, which of course is fine, and a plan I had in my head to begin in January anyway. I guess I just wasn’t prepared for it like I should have been. I’m having to make sacrifices that I took for granted. The gym, my trainer, and I’m going to have to nip the drinking in the bud. That will be a good thing, and the working out I can do at home. Also my work in the last year was good. Really good in spite of all the things that were going on so it’s not a bleak as it seems, it’s just an adjustment that is long overdue.

I know I’m kind of skipping forward after my dad’s funeral but really since he died it’s just been a blur of sadness and longing for Mike all over again. We’ve been in touch again but nothing has changed. I think its just me being lonely period, and wanting that feeling back again I had when we did have good times.

Also, I can finally see that he was probably never really his true self with me when we met because of his mom dying, and that maybe he was coming out of his own fog in July when he got his apartment and things really went bad for us. When I look back and see how he was…never wanting to go anywhere and be around people…especially people he didn’t know…and pretend to be happy...I finally get it. I get it because I’m exactly the same way now. I feel like even when I do go out I can only get “happy” when I get shitfaced. He didn’t take that path. I remember him telling me once early on when I questioned why he wasn’t having a beer he said he was sad and that he felt like it would be really easy for him to slip down a dark path of drinking if he did…so he didn’t. A very wise man indeed. I don’t think Mike will ever know how much his being a part of my life balanced me in those ways. As crazy as it sounds, and as much as he shouldn’t have hidden me and hurt me like he did, he really was good for me and good to me in the only way he knew how to be I guess.

So here I sit, about to begin another year. My goals are the same, again.

Get healthy again.

Focus on work, eating healthy and working out.

Find balance in my life alone, so when “he” comes along I’ll be able to embrace it and balance him too.

Stop with Mike. Just stop. If I can’t have him in my life I must finally let it go.  I don’t want to be sitting here in another year writing the same things.

I feel like I need to end this on a happy note somehow so here goes. The good things this year were my work and my surgeries. Something I never in my life dreamed possible happened and it was truly life changing. I haven’t had a chance to even enjoy or embrace it yet because of all the overwhelmingly sad things that surrounded it, but I will in 2015 because that’s what my daddy would have wanted. He was so proud of me I know it, and though I will miss him every day for the rest of my life, I can look in the mirror and see the last gifts he ever gave me and smile. I owe it to him to take care of my body and my life. To truly make him proud and live a life without fear or regret.

I love you daddy and I will do this. I promise.

Happy New Year.

New Year’s Eve 2024 - TIME

Here it is. New Year’s Eve once again. Where has the time gone?   Obviously I didn’t get back to the blog again after April, and I wish I ha...