Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday Monday

I'm always so tired on Monday!
I overslept this morning and came in to work late. Its OK. Fortunately my job is very relaxed on these things.

So Saturday morning I got on the scale and had dropped 2 lbs under the magic wall number!!

Of course today I'm back up to plus 5 OVER the number....Mondays suck.

If the week goes like last week did, however, I'll be back down by Wednesday and pushing through the wall.

I have so much weight to lose, but right now I'm focusing on this 10 lb area. I keep thinking if I can...sorry...WHEN I can get down 10 lbs under this wall number I will have broken a barrier and be on my way again.

I did work out Sunday, which ended my week with 4 days of work outs. Not too bad.
I also behaved myself all week, and felt fabulous for it!!

I'm tired today but I am going to try to MAKE myself get on the treadmill for just a little bit tonight. I need to sweat, and I'm excited to see the numbers on the scale drop again.

Good weekend all in all.


Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

A good week and a good weekend! Let's just pretend Monday doesn't exist. :) Fingers crossed for Wednesday, but you're doing great no matter what the scale says.

Felicia said...

Welcome to the Healthy You Challenge!!


Lynn said...

Over on the right hand side of the HYC website, there is a link called: Challenge Buttons - Celebrating Victories. CLICK on that, and you can choose which icon you want to dispaly. Just copy the code and paste it into the HTML code option you can add under your customize layout option. Have fun!

new*me said...

welcome to HYC! Can't wait to

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