Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Just a quickie

Everyone likes a quickie now and then, right?
I just had to add that I just finished my second work out of the day. I busted the weights and the treadmill and I feel GREAT!! I ask you, why in the name of ...I was going to say the "G" word but seeing as how Im on a roll here I dont want to piss off the landlord...crap..does that count?
...in the name of.....PETE ( poor Pete..he gets the shit end of the stick so much...) dont I do this every day of my life? What makes me feel like going to a bar or eating so much I feel like a tick a pleasureable thing? Well, the bar..socal time...friends...boys...whatever. Ok so that doesnt count. but getting off track DOES count, and thats usually what happens when I blow the lid off my precious routine, espeshally in this first delicate baby phase. Its all or nothing right now and Im tetering back and forth so much!
Well anyway, Im off to eat a healthy dinner...and not OVER eat! Until tomorrow.

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