Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I was delivered a big blow to my psyche last weekend. Well actually there were 2.
The first one was a week ago when a friend and I met for lunch at Thinking Man. I had my usual salad and you know the bread they give you on the side? Well Id mentioned at the beginning of the meal that I should probably not eat that blah blah, and actually didn't until the end while we were sort of waiting for the check I started to take a bite. Then loudly...I mean LOUD...she said YOU CANT EAT THAT!! and snatched it out of my hand. I was mortified and humiliated. SOOO embarrassed I got in my car and cried. It brought back all those feelings I have been trying to conker for YEARS about eating in public and and people looking at me eating, and WHAT I'm eating.
So then this Friday all the girls were over hanging out and they ordered pizza. Now I had not eaten all day and was drinking of course, and I was going to pick at one piece. I had pulled off a piece and taken one bite when in front of everyone the same girl screamed at me that I cant eat that because I'm on a diet. I spit it out and left the room. The one place I felt safe, in front of my friends..in MY OWN HOUSE..I was made to feel shame about eating a piece of pizza.
The next day I thought about it all day. The humiliation. The sheer feeling of never being able to eat in front of her...or maybe even anyone else, again. Definately not in public again. No way.

I feel like I've just been blown back 10 years.
It sucks.
I'm not saying what she was trying to do was wrong, I know she had good intentions and would never ever knowingly hurt my feelings. She just obviously was unaware of how sensitive I am about that subject. In any case, the damage is done now.

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