The gym yesterday was great...well the work out was anyway.
I was on the treadmill...same one as the day before...and things were going well until I saw the hottie walk in. Actually he was walking into the hall way in front of me and I thought he might be leaving until he came back in and disappeared right behind me!
I was at my midway point in my 30 minute routine which is when I push myself to my limit. Now get a mental picture here...
I'm wearing grey cotton pants that are 2 sizes too big everywhere on my accept my inner thigh, ( which is why I bought them that big..to hide the flabby inner thigh..ewww!)
and a black t-shirt...also 2 sized too big for to hide the other flab...... accept when I'm on the treadmill I'm sweating. I mean REALLY sweating and my shirt shifts around and sticks to my flab...I know gross right!
So I'm thinking...
Oh my God where is he...ok ok...just keep going...don't worry about where he is...
Ugh..my shirt..(pick tug pull..) oh screw it!
So I get over myself long enough to finish and when I get off the treadmill, I turn around and there he is. On a recumbent bike RIGHT BEHIND ME!
All I could think is oh....my....GOD!!!!.....my ass must have looked like two pigs fighting under a blanket!!
For the first time in my life I was glad about my gene pool that makes my face beet red when I get hot because if I had not been already I would have been burning red with embarrassment!!
I quickly retreated to the opposite side of the gym where I literally put my head between my knees and had to make myself breathe .....and let it go.
I gathered myself up, and continued my work out. Upper body was the day and I pushed myself more than I had on Saturday which felt good. I'm a tiny bit sore..actually less than tiny...today which tells me my massive soreness that I had from my first upper day was simply because my muscles were in shock!
I'm pretty proud of myself for maintaining my composure yesterday despite the shock of the hottie being forced to watch my sweaty Thunder Bum giggling up and down for 30 minutes.
I did figure out something. He goes to that spot because the TV in front of that area plays CNN..usually sports at that time...so to avoid the humiliation factor I'm changing treadmills!!
I feel so good about myself today. I'm proud of myself. I had a thought on the way in to work this morning. What would I change about my life right at this moment if I could, I mean other than being thin..I mean like routine and the way I live my life.
The only thing I could think of is make more money and maybe have a casual relationship out there somewhere, but even that is not all that important to me. I actually like being alone. The companionship thing for me, when happens will have to be with somone either very special or very tolerant because Im so used to my life revolving around ME its hard to imagine anyone else being involved.
My daily routine being like this..work..gym..home...bed...really works for me. I have my weekends to clean and do yard work and one free day to play. Plus I FEEL so damn good!!
Could this finally be it? Has my magic switch finally turned back on? I prey it has because it feels like it did so long ago.
In the past 6 years I have not exercised consistently for longer than a week or maybe 2 at a time before I blow my "routine".
If...no WHEN I get to my one month mark, which will be August 20th, I will have officially gotten back into my old routine.
Keep your fingers crossed!! I know I can do it and I really want to. I don't see anything in my way and it feels great.
Maybe my pigs in a blanket will look a little more like "Lovely Lady Lumps" this time next year!!
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