Don't you HATE it when someone cant admit fault and instead accuses YOU of screwing up?
That's what happened to me in the first 10 minutes of me coming in.
Then the phone call from hell. An unhappy client who proceeds to use me as the punching bag since the person who actually screwed up is not available to scream at.
Whew..maybe I'm getting the wrath today so I will appreciate vacation tomorrow even more!
I cant wait! I get to see one of my best friends too for the whole week which is a total bonus!
I'm worried about leaving my tiny dog though. I ADORE my little one and the person I'm leaving her with is someone I don't know very well.
Hes the brother of 2 of my close friends and I have put them in charge of checking up on him.
After all the stuff in the news about Mike Vick and the dog fighting stuff I worry someone would snatch her from the back yard for dog bait.
About that Vick crap. I cant understand what kind of human being could hurt any animal like that much less profit off it.
I know, I eat meat and that's killing animals too, ( sometimes not always in the nicest way either) but for sport? Whats sporting about putting a scared house pet into a ring with its mouth taped shut and hip broken with a trained fighting dog just to watch the other one tear it up?
Its sick.
My dog Scruffy has a message for you Vick and any like you out there!!!

Anyway, Happy vacation time for me! I hope my next entry will include what I'm doing in the gym at the beach!!
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