Friday, August 17, 2007

Sometimes the south sucks

So I went to dinner at my 2 best friends house last night. We had much fun and much more beer with the fun. I'm not used to drinking that much anymore during the week so after going home and completely crashing at about 11:00 I wake suddenly in the middle of the night being poked by my tiny lovely squeezy dog, Scruffy.
I was SO hung was about 4AM.
I got up and had a splitting headache.

I took Advil and let Scruffy out and when I opened the door ( naked...4am.... in the dark..hung over as a rat...) A HUGE...and I mean HUGE palmetto bug can flying in at me and landed in the kitchen.
Now just picture the half asleep, hung over, fat nakedness flailing around, screaming, scrambling to find the light was not pretty....

So I get the light on and it zooms under the dryer and I get out the spray and with shaky hands and breaking a light sweat now I douse the entire kitchen in bug spray.

Then I finally get back to bed but cant sleep because I'm waiting to be attacked by an angry fat bug spray covered roach!

Ugh...there is probably nothing in the world more disgusting than a palmetto /tree living/flying/size of skateboard roach!! And the south is FULL of them.

Sometimes the South sucks!

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