Tuesday, April 29, 2008

End of the month

Tomorrow is the last day in April. God, 4 months in to 2008 already and I'm still flip flopping with this weight crap!
why WHY WHY cant I stay on a steady track?

1.I have bad habits.
2.I allow myself to participate in very destructive behavior.
3.I don't feel inspired every day.
4.I would rather sit on a patio drinking beer than be sweating it out on a treadmill.

I'm sure I could add to this list but lets just start here.

1. bad habits. Well this one is the worst of all of them. I drink, I smoke...( sometimes) and I eat crappy food ( sometimes) My weekends. While most people spend their weekends doing productive things, I usually spend my time having parties, or going out or something that involves drinking and general bad behavior.
I'm not saying its wrong to have a few drinks on the weekend. Hell get shitfaced one night a week if you want! But I go hard core. I mean Friday to Sunday its ON! Call me the weekend warrior I guess.
Now, on a positive note, I don't drink during the week much anymore. I was going through a period there where I drank sometimes every day. Not to excess mind you but just a glass or 2 of wine. ( although I must admit there are also the occasions that I go way overboard too)
That's one bad behavior Ive been trying to cut down on and because of it I think my weekend behavior has gotten worse.
I mean I do other things, I clean the house, I cook , stuff like that. I have projects though. house stuff that really NEEDS to be done and I just don't do it. I usually break the weekend down like this:
Friday night, out after work for drinks with friends ( if I can afford to go out) or just at my house. Sometimes this can last until 10:00. Sometimes..like this past Friday...it went on until 6:30 the next morning!!
Saturdays I usually spend cleaning. Doing laundry and such as long as its not summer / pool time. If that's the case nice days in the pool season are spent there...at the parents pool..all day. If that's the case I try to get the cleaning done Friday night and Sunday morning so I can have Sunday afternoon to watch movies.
All activities involve drinking and little to no exercise. I do try to take time to do my treadmill in the morning on weekends before I do anything else sometimes, but I still haven't gotten that GOOD habit established.
This past 6 months since Ive been on less than 40 hours of work Ive been stretching that weekend out to Monday too.

Ive got to get a new job...but I digress....

So that's my weekends. No yard work, no painting the bathroom that needs it. No house projects.

2. Well I guess the above sort of covers the destructive behavior too. Accept the occasional weekday email from my best friend Andy, I have been able to curtail the week night drinks and behave myself. I find that when I do the right thing I feel so good by Friday!
then of course I blow it out over the weekend.
Mondays ( well now Tuesdays) I'm usually exhausted and too tired in the morning to wake up early to work out. Lately Ive been fully recovered by Wednesday afternoon and on the treadmill when I go home.

3. Inspiration. This could have to do with #1 & 2 also. When I'm tired I lose my inspiration to do anything.

4. Well, there ya have it. I'm a drinker. Am I an alcoholic? I think if I am its the "functional" alcoholic. I don't get withdrawals or cravings to drink if I stay away from it. I might miss it because I enjoy drinking but I can live without it.
Its just an ingrained part of my social life.

So now here it is, the end of yet another month and I'm no closer to my goal than I was 29 days ago.
Still bobbing up and down in the same 5 - 10 lb range.

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