Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fat in Flight

Today I was thinking about visiting a few places that would require a place trip.
For years I have feared the stigma..and now possibly the complete humiliation, of flying at my current weight.
So keeping this in mind I searched the Internet today and found articles ranging from how fat people should be charged an extra ticket if their butts cant fit into the 17" wide seat, ( which mine absolutely could NOT) to how fat people contribute to small plane crashes.

Needless to say I will not be flying anytime soon, but it begs the question, how trapped am I really?
I feel trapped in my house because I cant sell it, and I want to sell it to be able to move, and I want to move out of state with might be cause for a flight and I cant fly unless I want to withstand humiliations beyond what I care to imagine or experience.

Are these just excuses to stay in my not so comfortable fat zone?
I think not. I don't have any excuse that makes me WANT to be this way.
Dealing with things normal people do every day that they don't think twice about is very different for someone like me.
Some days I feel really good about myself. Some days no so much. Id have to give this day a medium rating, although i have to say after reading the brutal hatred and disgust so many people have for the obese of the world it does make me ashamed to be walking down the street somewhat.
For the record, those of you who think fat people are lazy, breathe excessively heavy / loudly and smell...go fuck yourself. I do none of the above and frankly I bet my ass smells better than your face!!!


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