Monday, June 9, 2008

The Bad Habit

Its the good VS. evil inner battle that I struggle with so much. Why are good habits so hard to establish when they make you feel SO GOOD!
Why are bad habits so hard to break when they make you feel SO BAD???
I participated in a very bad habit this weekend, that while I dont do it very often, is still bad enough to leave a mental scar, and I'm regretting it today.
Id like to think one of these days I will be able to grow up enough to realize some things are just not worth doing.
Temptation is everywhere for many things that are bad for us and the sooner we ( I ) can gain some inner strength to say NO to them the sooner I will be on my way to a better existence...period.
Its all very logical when you think about it in the cool gray light of morning, but at the time, these bad habits fill the temporary need that your craving, and squash the thought of fear or consequence.

I will be strong in the future. Next time I will say no.

1 comment:

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Habits are tricky monsters, aren't they?

Your post made me remember a zenhabits post on building good habits. MIght be worth a look:

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