Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Another week another pound

Up down up down, another week another pound!

So I ended the week with a good loss, then had a pizza fest Sunday night and I'm back up again.

It really is remarkable to me how little it takes for me to gain weight v.s. lose it.
Actually remarkable is not the correct word for it. Friggin frustrating is much better.

Again, I cant blame anyone but myself. Papa Johns did not come break down my door, tie me to a chair and force feed me pizza.

I wish I was one of those people that could have the pizza once in a while and not gain weight from it.
I'm not though, and the sooner I face that ugly no cheese eatin fact the better off I'll be. I just get so over it all sometimes.

Ive been dealing with this "issue" since I was 5 years old, and looks like I always will be. I know it could be worse, and I'm honestly not even upset about it as I write this.

I look back at the year or so Ive been writing this blog/purge and not a whole hell of a lot has changed for me.
I basically could have written about 5 entries and cut and pasted them over and over again because nothing has changed. I follow the same big fat circle again and again.
I guess I like the ride or Id get off teh train, right?

I wish I had an inspiration.
Wish wish wish!! nope...no starts out.


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