Thursday, June 25, 2009

I need a wrench

In my life it always seems like when something is going particularly well something has to throw a wrench into it.
As of the end of this month I will have been steadily doing the morning treadmill for 3 solid months. 4 to 5 days a week. Pretty great I think. 2 weeks ago I added weights to the party. Every other day I do upper and then lower body weight training. Ever better I say!
That was until yesterday, when my treadmill belt started to slip. I mean REALLY badly.
I mean really?!! Oh no you DIDN'T!!!
After havering it all these years NOW it decides to crap out on me?
OK ok...don't I go on line and look up replacement belts.
Just so happens that the one I have costs $350..Yes that's right folks. And I only paid $150 for the whole damn machine to begin with!!
After some serious swearing and a few urges to spit, I manage to find what I HOPE will be a suitable replacement, even though its not exactly what is on there now.
$80, OK that I can handle.
Need the instructions separately..OK, I'm sure I can find those on line...
looking..looking....AH HA!

So it seems maybe I can tighten the belt after all. No replacement needed. (maybe).
Tools needed: Allen wrench...2 regular clamp wrenches. Ummm nope, don't have either.
This would have been when I would have gone into the shop at my old job and foraged for what I needed. I forget that my endless supply of tools and repair crap is now gone!

Ace hardware down the street from work...get wrenches (wenches), check.
So now I'm good to go. (maybe)
All I know is, if I get home today and start monkeying around with this thing and make it worse, I'm going to want to break something in half.

Glass half full: it will be fixed as of today.
We'll see.

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